Early feedback
Enhance students' success by providing an early opportunity to adjust and develop new skills
Giving students early feedback on their learning is a high-impact educational practice and is soon to become a requirement for all courses, following a vote of the Academic Assembly.
Why provide early feedback to students?
The research on student learning in higher education recommends that faculty provide students early feedback through low-stakes assignments (e.g., Lovett, et al., 2023). If early assignments are not possible in your course, then you can still provide students early feedback on their engagement with the course and class material so far.
Early feedback:
- Allows faculty to inform students about what they need to do to succeed in the course.
- Allows students to recalibrate their level of effort without greatly affecting their final grade.
- Builds a sense of self-efficacy for students who are already succeeding
- Enables faculty to connect students to campus support services that they might not seek out for themselves.
- Enables the university to offer a whole-person support structure to enhance students’ learning experience and wellbeing.
Example feedback statements - Academic performance concerns
The statements below provide examples that you can adapt for your own courses, organized based on the headings from the university's early feedback system. This is very much a work-in-progress, so if you have suggestions for wording, please email us with them.
To offer encouragement to the students who are doing fine in the course so far, you may want to create a default message.
For instance, you may know from past experience that students tend to find a particular topic area or study skill tricky, so you could highlight those as areas to focus on.
Or instead, you could write a very simple “keep up the good work” message. Here are a few ideas for you:
GREEN (optional)
- So far, so good! I’d like to see you continuing on this positive trajectory.
- You’ve started the course very well so you are building yourself a firm footing for when the concepts we examine become more complex. Keep that going!
- At this early point in the course, you've put yourself on a positive track toward success. I’m recommending to everyone in your position to particularly focus their attention now on:
- [practicing applying the new concepts to scenarios, ready for assignments]
- [focusing on how to convey messages clearly for a target audience]
- [ensuring you have a clear handle on concept XYZ, since that’s the most common sticking point in the course]
- [setting up your own study groups to help one another clarify misunderstandings and practice using the material]
- [booking in for office hours to ask specific questions you may have]
You can also refer to the other specific examples below in the “Green” section for each category of feedback (e.g., homework completion, academic pressures).
GREEN (optional)
- I appreciate all your contributions in class.
- I appreciate all your contributions in class. The next step for you here is to think about helping to bring more students’ voices into the conversation and to connecting your ideas with others’ comments to boost the dialogue.
- While you’re typically quiet in whole-group discussions, I’ve noticed you’re actively participating in small-group discussions, which is great. I’m now inviting you to step outside your comfort zone a little and share ideas from your groups with the rest of class from time to time.
- You’ve been a consistently dedicated and engaged student throughout the course. Your regular participation in class discussions has significantly contributed to a positive learning environment. Keep that level of engagement coming!
- I’ve noticed that you’ve already missed a few classes. Missing more classes is likely to affect your grades.
- You’re mostly present in class, and often listening. I’d really like to see you participating actively so that you get more out of the experience.
- I’m really concerned that you’ve missed a lot of classes already. Class absences quickly start to affect grades because you don’t have a full grasp of the course material. I’m available to meet with you to discuss how you can get yourself back on track.
- You appear to be falling asleep in class – even when the rest of the class is deep in whole-group discussion. Please come and visit me in office hours and we can talk through what’s going on. Missing out on important class discussion, where everyone is processing the material together, is likely to affect your grade, so let’s come up with a strategy to help you boost your focus and alertness.
GREEN (optional)
- You’re getting your message across well, and I’d like you to keep working at that level and beyond!
- You’re getting your message across well, and I’d like you to keep working at that level and beyond! If you want to take your writing to the next level, try working on [editing your text to get more message across more swiftly/simplifying your sentence structures to ease the reader’s experience/using more of the disciplinary vocabulary you’ve been learning/using more of the everyday language that meets the needs of the target audience for each task]
- I am very happy to see that your performance in the course is improving now that you’re working more closely with your ELLC tutor on course vocabulary and understanding assignment instructions. You’ve also become more engaged in the class. You can definitely pass the class if you keep this up, complete all the assignments, and continue to improve.
- You have some good ideas, but your academic English skills/writing skills are making it difficult for you to put those ideas across. I’d like to see you working on your English/writing and suggest you visit our campus colleagues in [ELLC/Writing Center/Tutoring]
- I am very happy to see that your performance in the course is beginning to improve now that you’re working more closely with your ELLC tutor on course vocabulary and understanding assignment instructions. It’s essential now that you keep going with this effort so that you can end the quarter with a stronger performance.
- Your performance in the course is just about ok, and I strongly encourage you to start working with an ELLC tutor on course vocabulary and understanding assignment instructions so that you can speed up your progress and do well.
- At the moment, your academic English skills/writing skills are really getting in the way of your message. It’s making it very difficult for me to understand your ideas. For you to succeed in the course, I strongly recommend you work on your English/writing and visit our campus colleagues in [ELLC/Writing Center/Tutoring].
- I’m having real trouble understanding some of your assignments, so I’m concerned for your success. You would really benefit from working with an ELLC tutor on course vocabulary and understanding assignment instructions, as well as on a few repeated grammatical errors that make your assignments confusing for the reader.
GREEN (optional)
- You’ve done a great job of keeping up with your assignments. You’re on track for the course – well done!
- You’re keeping on top of your assignments; if you’d like to improve your skills yet further in this area, you could look into resources around note-taking/ time-management, either with campus colleagues like LAP or via reliable online resources.
- So far, you have completed most assignments on time but occasionally you have missed deadlines or had trouble fully completing an assignment. I’d like to see you work on successfully completing all assignments and suggest you meet with folks in LAP to work specifically on organization and how to manage your time.
- You’re a valuable addition in class, and I now need focus on adhering to assignment deadlines so that you can maximize your grades.
You’ve missed a number of deadlines, and these will quickly make it difficult for you to succeed. I’d like to see you focus on getting future assignments in on time. We can discuss strategies in office hours and you can also talk with LAP about building organizational skills to do well. - The work you’ve handed in has been good. My concern is that you have missed a couple of assignments without communicating with me about them. As you know, I have a policy around late work in my syllabus and so want to remind you that the key is to be communicating with me in advance if things are getting in the way. Please get in touch so we can devise a workable plan for you to recover some lost ground and end the quarter on a positive.
- So far, you’ve been good at completing the graded work, but I’ve noticed that you’re not necessarily doing the “scaffolding tasks” that are ungraded but useful; these help you build up the skills needed to complete the graded work to the best of your ability. I’d really like to see you put more effort into those – you’ll see the benefits in later graded work!
- You are wonderful to have in class during our discussions. My concern is that you’re not completing homework and other out-of-class tasks. You don't want these to pile up to the point where trying to complete them at the end of the term proves impossible. I’m keen to see the grades that you’re earning match your in-class engagement, so please come to office hours to discuss and meet with the folks in LAP to work on your time management and general organizational skills.
- You started the course well, and now that there’s more reading involved, you appear not to be on top of the work, which makes it look like you’ve decided to let this course slide. However you choose to engage with the course, you’ll always have to take responsibility for any consequences. Having seen your capabilities earlier, I’d really like to see you pick things back up to the level we saw in the first few sessions of the course.
- You may benefit from a consultation with LAP to check that your study practices afford you sufficient opportunity to check your understanding of the concepts we’re exploring in the course. Office hours and tutoring are also good venues for this (but not sufficient on their own).
- Currently, you have missed homework deadline(s) or only partially completed assignments. If you continue at this rate, you may be at risk of failing the class. Please consider seeking assistance from the folks at LAP/Writing Center/ELLC/Tutoring so that you can successfully navigate this course.
- You would definitely benefit from a consultation with LAP to figure out what study practices will afford you sufficient opportunity to check your conceptual understanding. Office hours and tutoring are also good venues for this, but, for this course, definitely not sufficient on their own.
GREEN (optional)
- You have successfully demonstrated a solid understanding of key concepts on exams so far. Keep up the good work!
- You’re doing well overall, and to keep that going, I suggest you focus your attention on [close readings of texts/better note-taking/time management/etc]. These will help you prepare better for tests or exams.
- I have noticed that on exams you have demonstrated only a partial understanding of key concepts; some of your errors indicate gaps in knowledge or application. You are certainly capable of succeeding in this course. Please consider seeking help from either me or LAP/Writing Center/ELLC/Tutoring to be sure that you are on track.
- You would benefit from more out-of-class opportunities to resolve content confusions and test your conceptual understanding. Tutoring, study groups, and office hours can all be useful venues for this. I’m happy to talk this through with you if that would help.
- I have noticed that you have struggled with key concepts in the course, as reflected in your exam scores. I am concerned that you are at risk of not doing well in the course. But you have demonstrated in class that you are capable and can successfully meet the demands of this course with some help. Please consider seeking help from LAP/Writing Center/ELLC/Tutoring or contact to me directly. We’re here to help you!
- You struggled on our recent [exams/tests/quizzes], [student name], so I’m concerned for your success in the course. Moving forward, you will need to [read task prompts more carefully/build up some new exam preparation skills] to pass the class. I’m recommending colleagues on campus (LAP/Writing Center/ELLC/Tutoring) who can help you with these skills, and I’m happy to discuss them with you, too.
- Your recent exam score suggests that you will need to improve your work significantly moving forward to succeed in the class. You make insightful contributions to our class discussion, so I know you are capable. Remember to speak up frequently in future discussions as well and let me know if you have any questions.
GREEN (optional)
- You have consistently and successfully organized your work and met deadlines. This is impressive during the fast pace of the quarter system. Well done!
- You have consistently organized your coursework to meet deadlines and effectively managed working under the pace of the quarter system. Well done!
- You are generally able to prioritize your work and meet deadlines, but I’ve noticed that you may struggle at other times to meet the demands of the fast-paced quarter system. Feel free to reach out to LAP/Writing Center/ELLC/Tutoring for further assistance or see me for additional help with how to manage the workload. If assignments or overall workload are making you anxious, I’d suggest you also have a conversation with colleagues in CAPS.
- I’ve noticed that you have sometimes been able to prioritize your work for this course and meet deadlines but at other times you appear to struggle during high-pressure periods. Feel free to reach out to LAP/Writing Center/ELLC/Tutoring for further assistance or see me for additional help with how to manage the workload. And if assignments or overall workload are making you anxious, I’d suggest you also have a conversation with colleagues in CAPS.
- I notice that you’ve had difficulty prioritizing your work for this course and meeting deadlines as the demands of the course increase. I’m concerned that this could impact your successful completion of this course. Please consider seeking additional help with organization or time-management from LAP, or, if your overall workload is making you anxious, then please schedule a conversation with a colleague in CAPS.